Lil Wayne Bashes Black Lives Matter Movement
This entire thing kinda started on the new Skip Bayless show “Skip and Shannon”. On the show Lil Wayne was asked about Racism and he shocked lots of people and started a huge debate after saying that he didn’t believe that racism even existed in America anymore.
Lil Wayne explained in the interview that he thought the fact that he did rap shows that had crowds full of white kids was proof and confirmation that racism was over. Weezy also went on to say that he had NEVER in his life been a victim of racism.
Now just when all of that was starting to calm down Lil Wayne did an interview with ABC News for the show “Niteline“. Take a look at the interview below and see what Lil Wayne has done how to shake up the masses…
Lil Wayne Bashes Black Lives Matter Movement
And Now The World Reacts…
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